Sunday, March 8, 2009

What is each chess pieces value in a chess game?

All chess pieces have a different move it can do.
  • Ponds can move one space forward.If you have not moved the pond yet then you can move the pawn two spaces forward.En pas set is a move that is used by the pond.It is when the opponent's pond moves two spaces forward and your pond is right next to it from left to right by one space.You can move on space sideways north in the direction the pond is.You also capture the piece.Ponds are good with the bishops.This piece is worth one point.
  • Rooks can move straight, go left to right,and backwards.You can do the move castle with a rook and a king.All you have to make sure is that you have not done is that you have moved the rook or king.You have to make the king go two steps to the rook and the rook has to go over one step of the king from the oppisite direction.You can not do this move if you have go past check when you try to do this move.This piece is worth five points.
  • Bishops can move sideways.This piece is worth three points.
  • Knights can move in a L shape direction.Knights are good with queens.This piece is worth three points.
  • Queens can move sideways,left to right ,and move forward and backward.This piece is worth nine points.
  • Kings can move forward one space left,right,sideways,forward,and backwards.This piece could be used for a move called castle.This piece is worth the whole game also meaning if you lose this piece you lose the game.

I typed two hundred and ninety-three words in total.

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